
Wonderful Surprise 素敵なサプライズ

You can do it, Japan!は多くのサポーターに支えられていますが、イリノイ州在住のウァーシンガー・いさこさん(Isako Wersinger)もプロジェクト発足以来、懇親的に協力してくれているひとり。



いさこさんはご主人と共にMoose という団体に加盟してさまざまなボランティアをしており、リストバンドも主にそこのロッジで販売しています。


あるご婦人(通称:ショー夫人)がいさこさんに、ある日You can do it, Japan!への寄付金として、100ドルもの小切手をくれたそうです。

You can do it, Japan! Projectは、東日本震災で親を失ってしまった子供たちをサポートすべく、集めた寄付金はすべて「あしなが育英会」に寄付していますが、愛するご主人を失ったショー夫人は、親を失った子供たちに格別な想いをはせることになったのかもしれません。






We are supported by a lot people. One of the “You can do it, Japan!” supporters is Isako Wersinger in Illinois.  She has helped us since the beginning of the project.  

She has sold more than 100 wristbands and sent us a check for $500.  When she sells the wristbands, she also adds origami cranes or chopstick rests she makes, because she thinks $5 per wristband is a bit expensive to most people in her hometown.
She and her husband volunteer for an organization called Moose and wristbands are sold at the lodge.
Many people must have appreciated her efforts to sell wristbands with her original origamis in order to raise money for Japan’s recovery from the earthquake and tsunami.

We received another check from Itsuko recently. 

She told us that a lady in Moose (Mrs. Shaw) gave her a check of $100. 

According to Isako, Mrs. Shaw lost her husband a month ago.  She might have felt sympathy for children who lost their parent (s) in the disaster in Japan as she was feeling her loss of her beloved husband (as we announced in spring, we now donate money to Ashinaga Ikueikai, an organization helping orphaned children).

Isako describes her reaction to the check in her blog.
“$100 is a lot of money for middle-class Americans.  But, she donated that money to the relief efforts for the Great East Japan Earthquake, which has disappeared from people’s memories a long time ago. 
I was moved by Mrs. Shaw’s generousity, and I thought I can learn from her devotion to charity.”

We also really appreciate Mrs. Shaw’s generosity and would like to thank Isako for being a driving force behind it.

Thank you very much, Mrs. Shaw!
Thank you very much, Isako!
We will make sure that $100 reaches Ashinaga Ikueikai!