
The Charity Concert at a Winery ワイナリーでのチャリティーコンサート


私たちはYou can do it, Japan! のリストバンドやTシャツを販売したほか、エミ・マイヤーさんのCDの販売のお手伝いもしました。

The charity concert in August, at Mathews Winery in Woodinville, was a huge success!  
It featured singer songwriters Shinji Harada and Emi Meyer.  
We sold our wristbands and T-shirts, and also helped selling Emi's CDs.

Thank you for your help, Yurie (Right)
Mr. Harada, who spent a few years in Seattle when he was kid, wore our wristband!

We had some little but big helpers at the Event. The cute helpers did great job!


アキさん、ありがとう! Thank you, Aki-san!

今年の4月に東京小平市の小学校で、復興支援のイベント(フリーマーケット&おもちつき)が行われました。Facebook でもお知らせしたのですが、覚えていますか? 

ブログを通じてYou can do it, Japan! のことを知った日本人女性のアキさんが、私たちの活動に賛同して、その復興支援イベントで私たちのリストバンドを販売してくれたのです! 





Do you remember our Facebook post back in April?  About the charity event in Koiwai-city, Tokyo (flea market & mochi making)? 
As it turned out, Aki, who found out about You can do it, Japan! via this blog, liked our idea and sold the wristbands at the event (please see the first picture above).
She continued selling them at different local events and raised a total of 16000 yen (=26 wristbands), which was donated to Ashinaga Ikueikai, as shown in the 2nd picture.
Thank you so much Aki and her friends!!  We really appreciate your support!!
We really appreciate the fact that people are taking actions to help the orphaned children in Japan through You can do it, Japan!  Even though most people in the US have forgotten about the devastating tsunami and earthquake in March 2011, we would like to continue attending local charity events and raise as much money as possible.


Wonderful Surprise 素敵なサプライズ

You can do it, Japan!は多くのサポーターに支えられていますが、イリノイ州在住のウァーシンガー・いさこさん(Isako Wersinger)もプロジェクト発足以来、懇親的に協力してくれているひとり。



いさこさんはご主人と共にMoose という団体に加盟してさまざまなボランティアをしており、リストバンドも主にそこのロッジで販売しています。


あるご婦人(通称:ショー夫人)がいさこさんに、ある日You can do it, Japan!への寄付金として、100ドルもの小切手をくれたそうです。

You can do it, Japan! Projectは、東日本震災で親を失ってしまった子供たちをサポートすべく、集めた寄付金はすべて「あしなが育英会」に寄付していますが、愛するご主人を失ったショー夫人は、親を失った子供たちに格別な想いをはせることになったのかもしれません。






We are supported by a lot people. One of the “You can do it, Japan!” supporters is Isako Wersinger in Illinois.  She has helped us since the beginning of the project.  

She has sold more than 100 wristbands and sent us a check for $500.  When she sells the wristbands, she also adds origami cranes or chopstick rests she makes, because she thinks $5 per wristband is a bit expensive to most people in her hometown.
She and her husband volunteer for an organization called Moose and wristbands are sold at the lodge.
Many people must have appreciated her efforts to sell wristbands with her original origamis in order to raise money for Japan’s recovery from the earthquake and tsunami.

We received another check from Itsuko recently. 

She told us that a lady in Moose (Mrs. Shaw) gave her a check of $100. 

According to Isako, Mrs. Shaw lost her husband a month ago.  She might have felt sympathy for children who lost their parent (s) in the disaster in Japan as she was feeling her loss of her beloved husband (as we announced in spring, we now donate money to Ashinaga Ikueikai, an organization helping orphaned children).

Isako describes her reaction to the check in her blog.
“$100 is a lot of money for middle-class Americans.  But, she donated that money to the relief efforts for the Great East Japan Earthquake, which has disappeared from people’s memories a long time ago. 
I was moved by Mrs. Shaw’s generousity, and I thought I can learn from her devotion to charity.”

We also really appreciate Mrs. Shaw’s generosity and would like to thank Isako for being a driving force behind it.

Thank you very much, Mrs. Shaw!
Thank you very much, Isako!
We will make sure that $100 reaches Ashinaga Ikueikai!


We made a donation to Ashinaga Ikueikai! あしなが育英会に寄付をしました!

お知らせです! 4月14日付けで$4011(32万4864円)をあしなが育英会に寄付させていただきました。
これには先日の日本支援イベント「Songs of Hope」での売り上げ$970も含んでいます。


過去2回の寄付と合わせると、これまでの寄付額の合計は$16,969 (JPY1,341,714)になります。





We have an announcement! We donated $4,011 (JPY 324,864) to Ashinaga Ikueikai on April 14th. The money we raised ($970) at the benefit concert “Songs of Hope” is included in this amount.
We will post a receipt from Ikueikai once we receive it, which may take a while.

Combined with the donation we made to Red Cross previously, we have raised a total of $16,969 (JPY1,341,714)!

Thank you very much for everyone who purchased T-shirts and wristbands!
We continue to sell them at the web site:


A Benefit Concert on One Year Anniversary "Winds for Hope"

We attended a benefit concert "Winds for Hope" on Sunday, March 11, which marked one-year anniversary of Great East Japan Earthquake.  It was wonderful! 

All the proceeds will be used to replace musical instruments for several school bands in the tsunami-hit areas. 
You can do it, Japan! became a sponsor and our wristbands were used as an ID for VIP. Such an honor! 

The concert started with a video of several trombonists around the world playing one song, followed a few pieces by the UW wind ensemble, who volunteered to play in midst of the final week. 

Then, the person who brought everyone together for the concert, Ko-ichiro Yamamoto, principal trombonist at Seattle Symphony, joined the ensemble. 

After the intermission, the renowned jazz pianist Toshiko Akiyoshi played a few pieces with her husband, Lew Tabackin, who played Saxophone and flute.  You could not tell that she is 82 years old from the way she played the piano! 

The last part was led by Eric Miyashiro, trumpeter, with the Winds for Hope orchestra, which included Mr. Yamamoto. 

The Benaroya Hall was packed and we really enjoyed great music!  We are so glad that we were able to sponsor this great event.

Mr. Miyashiro told a story about an autistic boy who was able to find his coronet at his elementary school, which was completely destroyed by tsunami. 

 The instrument was damaged by sea water, but he managed to find vegetable oil and made it work somehow (he told us that oil is not recommended for maintenance of brass instruments but hey, it made sounds, you know).  Then, he started visiting all the camps in the town and played his school song, so that he could find his schoolmates. 

That kind of story really highlighted the power of music and what it can do to help people in the disaster areas.

東日本大震災から1周年の311日(日)にベネロヤ・ホールで開催されたチャリティーコンサート「Winds for Hope」に行ってきました。このコンサートではシアトル・シンフォニーのプリンシプル・トロンボーンを勤める山本浩一郎氏の呼びかけによって世界各地からミュージシャンが集まり開催されたもので、収益金は全て被災地の学生達に楽器を買うために使われます。趣旨に賛同した私達はスポンサーとして名乗りを上げ、日の丸がついたあの赤いリストバンドはVIPIDとして使われました。
コンサートは世界各地のトロンボーン演奏者が1つの曲を演奏するビデオクリップではじまり、UWの吹奏楽団が数曲演奏。大学は期末試験のまっ最中だというのに、全員が快くボランティアを申し出てくれたそう。その中には、その日の午後に行われた別のベネフィットコンサート「Songs of Hope」の100名合唱にも加わっていた人も! 頭がさがります。
最後はハワイ生まれの日系アメリカ人であるトランペット奏者エリック・ミヤシロ氏が率いる「Winds for Hope オーケストラ」が4曲演奏しました。なじみの深い曲目もあり、手拍子が出るなど盛り上がりました。ベネロヤ・ホールはほぼ満席で観客は演奏をおおいに楽しんでいました。


We have an important announcement. 大切なお知らせがあります

One year anniversary of Great East Japan Earthquake is coming up in 20 days. 
Even though the most of the debris has been collected, the disaster areas are far from recovery. 
You Can Do It Japan! would like to continue our support to those who lost everything. 

We donated the money we collected to Japan Red Cross through LA Japanese Consulate up to now. 
However, the need in the disaster area has changed from emergency to long-term support and care. 
As we approach the first anniversary, we decided to make a change. 
We are going to donate to Ashinaga Ikuei Kai(Named for the 1912 American novel, Daddy-Long-Legs), which cares for children who lost one or both parent in disasters. 

The organization has a history of taking care of orphans from Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in 1995. 
In addition to scholarships, it also provides emotional support for children and is currently fundraising to buildRainbow Housein Tohoku area. 
We think this is a worthwhile cause. 
Thank you very much for your support and understanding.

Would you like to purchase our wristband or T-shirt? Click Here
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You Can Do It Japanでは今後も引き続き被災地支援を続けていきたいと思っています。
