We participated in Sakura-con yesterday and today. I (Masami) could not dress up, but my partner Midori showed up as Sazae-san! (For those of you who do not know Sazae-san, she is a very old-school cartoon character who existed since before WWII, but she is still popular. Maybe like Betty from Flinstone in the US).
She had three curlers on top, with granma apron, skirt, and sandals! I didn`t think she would do it, but she did it.
There are so many interesting people at Sakura-con.
彼女は日本をサポートするためにリストバンドを買ったくれただけでなく、持参したノート(これも小道具?)に、飾ってあったYou can do it, Japan!のTシャツを見ながらに日本語を書き写し、撮影のときにそれを掲げたのでした。
She bought a wristband to support Japan, but she also wrote "Ganbare Nihon (You can do it, Japan!)" in Japanese using her own notebook (was it part of her prop?) by copying what`s written on the T-shirt. She agreed to let me take her picture.
The Sakura-con is a huge once a year event for those who participate in. Maybe like Mardi Gras of anime lovers. The event hall where we are is full of character goods, books, DVDs, etc. I heard that people save all their money for this event, who are coming from all over the country.
We don`t stand out here selling charity T-shirts and wristbands, compared to all the other anime-related goods, but there are many people who want to spend the money they saved all year to buy our items. I think this is great that they still want to support Japan.
I hope everybody`s prayer and good thought reach Japan!