
Japan Earthquake One Month Memorial Walk/Run.

先週の日曜日にシアトル郊外で行われたチャリティーマラソンのイベント、Japan Earthquake One Month Memorial Walk/Run。いや~楽しかったです!

某超大手コンピューターソフト会社の(って言ったらわかっちゃうね)日本を支援しようと立ち上がったグループが主催したもので、参加費$20を払うともれなくYou can do it, Japan!のTシャツがついてくる、というもの。

当日は、シアトルにもやっと春が来た! というようなラブリーなお天気。ランナー/ウォーカーは総勢30人くらいだったかな。子供たちもたくさんいて、わいわいと和んだ雰囲気の中でスタートしました。

「知らない人にYou can do it! って何度もいわれたよ」


このTシャツを作った時は深く考えていなかったのだけど、You can do it! という言葉にはいろんな意味が含まれていて、いろんな解釈ができるから、見た人も声をかけやすいんだろうと思う。

実際、私は寝るとき以外毎日このTシャツを着ているけれど(ちゃんと洗ってますよ、笑)、ほぼ毎日声をかけられている。「あなたの家族は大丈夫だった?」としんみり聞かたこともあるが、たいていは「I love your T-shirt!」か、「You can do it!」といいながらサムズアップ。

話がそれてしまったけれど、このイベントは大成功! みんなで一緒に汗をかくスポーツイベントっていいな、楽しいな、とつくづく思いました。


On April 17th, we supported Japan Earthquake One Month Memorial Walk/Run, which was a charity walk/run event held in Woodinville (the suburb of Seattle).  We had so much fun!

The employees of the most famoust software company based in the Seattle area (you know which one) got together and organized this event to support Japan.   Participants paid $20 and got our You can do it, Japan! T-shirts.  All the proceeds are going to be donated to Red Cross and we offered them our T-shirts at cost.
It was a nice spring-like day.  There were about 30 runners/walkers, including lots of kids.  It was fun atmosphere.  From the starting point, they ran or walked for 100 min, regardless of their paces.  So some people strolled for 50 min, turned back and walked back to us.  Others were serious runners who ran for 100 min, almost to the Merymore Park!

Midori and I (Masami) set up a shop selling T-shirts and wristbands at the start/goal.  We cheered everyone who came back from the run/walk.  Some percipitants said, `People cheered us along the way seeing my T-shirt!`, and `People told us `You can do it!` many times!`  We were happy that many people commented on our T-shirts!

I did not think deeply about the meaning of `You can do it! when I made T-shirts (just thinking about it as a direct translation of Ganbare), but now realized that it can mean a lot.  I think it is easier for people to ask about the T-shirt when they see it.  In fact, I am wearing this T-shirt everyday except when I go to sleep (of course, I am washing it regularly!) and people talk to me all the time.  Sometimes, they ask me about my family, but most of the time, they just tell me `I love your T-shirt!` or `You can do it!` with thumbs-up.  I feel that they are giving me energy to keep going.

Anyway, the event was successful!  I thought sporting event with everyone participating is so much fun.  Yuko-san, let`s do another event together!

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