
子供達によるチャリティーコンサート (Charity Concert by Children)


発想から2週間という短期間でこんな大きなイベントを開催されたそうで、その行動力と熱意に脱帽です。さまざまなパフォーマンスが行われましたが、中でも必見は『アートライズダンス教室』の先生と生徒によるダンス。じつは、You can do it, Japan!のTシャツを着て踊ってくれることになっていたのです。


You can do it, Japan!のTシャツを着て力強く踊っている英里先生と娘さんを見て胸が熱くなり、最後は最後でこのコンサートを主催した小目谷しず子先生のヴァイオリン演奏にあわせて手を振る子供たちを見て目頭が熱くなり・・・・・・。


We went to the Charity Concert `Kizuna` (=connection) held at Music Works Northwest in Bellevue, WA on April 10th.  We set up a booth by the entrance thanks to the organizer.  The first picture above is one of the kids playing violin.  The second picture shows calligraphy done by children which say “You can do it, Japan!”, “Hope”, “Prayer”, etc.

The organizer was Bellevue Children Music School and the participants played piano and violin, sang songs, danced ballet and hip-hop, and displayed martial arts.  The donation to the concert started at $5 and all the proceeds will be donated.  We were amazed at the fact that it only took 2 weeks from brain-storming to the actual concert!

One of the highlights of the concert was a dance performance by a teacher and student team from ArtRize Dance School.  In fact, they danced wearing our “You can do it, Japan!” T-shirts (in the 3rd picture above).

Ms. Eri who saw our T-shirts at Megumi Preschool and sent Masami an e-mail asking about wearing them for the concert!  Thanks to her, we were able to sell T-shirts and wristbands at the concert.  We were moved seeing their great performance.  We almost cried seeing all the children waving their hands accompanied by Ms. Shizuko Komeya`s violin at the end of the concert.

The sales total from the concert was $175.  We really felt everyone`s energy and were glad that we were able to participate. (Masami)

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