
We donated JPY83,150 ($1,070)!  8万3,150円($1,070)を寄付させていただきました!

We're happy to announce that we donated second time to Japanese Red Cross Society!

The donated amount this time was JPY83,150 ($1,070)!
The proceeds just from Japan alone. Thank you, everyone who purchased our wristbands and T-shirts.  Also, Thank you, Seiko Matsuda, who is our friend / You Can Do it, Japan Project's organizer in Japan / the CEO of WEST HEADING, Co.
The donated amount last time (7/21/11) was $11,888. It means we donated in total to Japanese Red Cross Society is now $12,958.
Off course, we will continue working for Japan so please keep supporting  us! 
Thanks again!
また、私達の友人であり、You Can Do it, Japan プロジェクトの日本でのオーガナイザーを務めてくれているウエスト・ヒーディングのCEO、松田聖子ちゃんも、どうもありがとう!
もちろん、私達の活動はまだまだ続きます! 引き続き、ご支援をよろしくお願いします。


Let's cheer up the victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan by a Christmas card! 日本の被災者にクリスマスカードを送って励ましましょう!

Make the Heaven, a Japanese NGO specialized in disaster relief, is asking people to send Christmas card so that its staffs can bring them to people who live in temprary shelters in Japan.The deadline is on 12/15 and the address is...

Me-gumi JAPAN
16 Higashi-machiishita Tomisato-cho,
Tome city, Miyagi 987-0362


The details are described on their web site (in Japanese).

★   ★   ★   ★   ★   ★



987-0362 宮城県登米市豊里町東待井下16


Yomiuri article

"You Can Do It, Japan!" was featured Japan's no.1 national newspaper, Yomiuri Newspaper on May 26th. It's been a while since the newspaper came out, but here's the translation.
"You can do it, Japan!" Cheers from Seattle

Charity goods raise funds in America

Seattle-based freelance writer and Japanese expatriate Masami Suzuki (43) sells charity T-shirts and wristbands to instill long-lasting support for Japan in the hearts of people - both American and Japanese.
Behind the words "you can do it" printed onto the T-shirts and wristbands is Suzuki's message: "I know Japan will recover and I want to cheer them on."

The T-shirts sell for $20, the wristbands for $5, and $13 from the T-shirts and $4.6 from the wristbands are donated to the Japanese Red Cross Society.
Since the earthquake Suzuki has sold the T-shirts and wristbands at various events around Seattle. At marathon events runners have worn the goods to show their support.

She has also enlisted support in the Japanese American community. The result has been over $10,000 in raised funds, which continue to grow.

According to Suzuki, a significant number of Japanese expatriates voice their frustration over how little they can do: "I want to volunteer in the disaster relief efforts, but I can't", or "My parents/relatives are in Japan and I can't be by their side". She notes that people who feel this way can actively participate in the recovery effort by buying the charity goods. 

Masami Suzuki can be reached by email at youcandoitjapan@hotmail.com. Her blog is http://youcandoitjapan.blogspot.com/.

You can check the original article by Yomiuri Online which is internet version of the Yomiuri Newspaper here

The article translated by Miki Kelley, an important team member of ours.
Thank you, Miki!!


We went to the Consulate General and donated $11,888!!

On 21st (Thursday), I, Mayumi Mori and my friend / important team member, Sachiko Yoshimura visited the Consulate General of Japan and gave the money we raised. Our donation will be wired to the Japanese Red Cross Society.

The donated amount was $11,888!

This is about 933,700 yen. We worked so hard to break above the 1 million yen barrier, but unfortunately couldn't. However, we are happy about the amount, because we started the "You Can Do It, Japan!" saying "if we can raise $5,000, wouldn't it be great?"
This huge accomplishment is all because of you,our  friends and family joined our charity, and each one of you kindly bought our T-shirts and wristbands. Thank you very much!!

The below is the checks we received from you. I tried to arrange them in a shape of fan for a picture, but there were so many, so it ended up like this.

At the Consulate General, Mr. Shunsuke Chishima, a vice consul, kindly spared his busy time for us and greeted us. We received the receipt, too!

It has a stamp of the Consulate General with the crest of the Japanese government!

After we gave Mr. Chishima the checks, we took commemorative pictures. I gave him a wristband as a small thank-you-gift, and he wore it with a smile.

(from left to right) Mayumi, Mr. Chishima, Sachiko

Finally, he gave us the message below.
"After the earthquake, many people donated money to us, and we appreciated it very much.
We promise you to deliver the donation to the Japanese Red Cross Society securely and responsibly, thanking to your warm consideration.

The victims are still suffered and we believe that the continuous support is essential.
In that sense, you kept calling out help to the American society for a long time not to let the tragedy to fade out, means so much more than the money you raised.
Please continue your hard work!"

So....here we report that we finally delivered the money you kindly donated. Your good will and love will be delivered to the disaster stricken area soon crossing the Pacific Ocean.

We started You Can Do It, Japan! in March. It was a small (really small!) grass root charity by Masami Suzuki in Seattle and I started hoping to raise $5,000.

In fact, Masami wrote like this as our mission in our Facebook page.

To raise money. 5,000..... 8,000....ummm, maybe we have a chance to reach 10,000!?

This means, we successfully reached the dream target of $10,000! (applause, please!!)

We made wristbands and T-shirts to sell to our friends and family, but soon after we started sales, we received the email saying "Where can I buy your products in Hungary?"
So, we set up the Paypal account and developed the system which accepts orders from all over the world. As of today, we shipped our products to 8 countries and regions, the United States, Japan, Canada, Saipan, Hungary, Switzerland, Germany and Singapore.

Yes, we did it!! 
But we didn't do it ourselves. 
Wecouldn't do it without your generous support. 
Thank you!!

Lastly, here's the comment from Masami, the founder of You Can Do It, Japan! project.

"The wristbands and T-shirts you kindly bought from us became this big! 
This is exactly what we said in our slogan, "Each individual contribution may be small but together it can be huge!" We are happily surprised by the result.
And now, we are greatly relieved after we successfully delivered the donation.
However, this is just "the First Donation" for us.
The interests to the earthquake in Japan started fading rapidly in American people's minds, we must even work harder, but we are determined to do it!!
Please continue your support and thank you very much!!"



21日(木)の午後、You can do it, Japan! プロジェクトに集まった義捐金を日本赤十字社に寄付すべく、在ロサンゼルス日本国総領事館に届けてきました(日本赤十字社へは総領事館を通して送金されます)。


100万円の大台にのせたかったのですが、若干ショート。でも、「5000ドルぐらい寄付できたらいいね」と言いつつ始めたチャリティにしては我ながら上出来では? と自画自賛しています。






3月末から始めたYou Can Do It, Japan! 当初はシアトル在住のスズキマサミと私が、「5000ドルぐらい寄付できればいいね」とスタートした、草の根も草の根、とってもローカルなプロジェクトでした。実際、マサミはFacebookのミッションのところにこんな風に書いています。

To raise money. 5,000..... 8,000....ummm, maybe we have a chance to reach 10,000!?



最後に、You can do it, Japan! プロジェクトの創始者であるスズキマサミのコメントです。
「皆さんが購入してくれた5ドルのリストバンドや20ドルのTシャツが、こんなに大きなカタチになりました! それはまさに私たちがプロジェクトのスローガンにしていたEach individual contribution may be small but together it can be huge! なわけで、嬉しさと驚きでいっぱいです。


You can do it, Japan! の意味

私たちのリストバンドやTシャツに入っているコピー「You can do it

正確にはそのあとにJapanがついて、「You can do it, Japan!

直訳すると「あなたたちならできるよ、ニッポン!」ですが、つまりは「がんばれ、ニッポン!」という、 日本に向けた応援メッセージです。



がんばれ! とは言ったものの、被災者の方々はもうすでに、めいいっぱいがんばったと思います。なので、今度は私たちががんばる番です。




リストバンドが日本でも買えるようになりました! Now the wristbands are available in Japan!



You can do it, Japan! リストバンド 500円


ペイパルアカウントをお持ちでない方もクレジットカード(VISA, MASTER, JCB, American Express)で決算していただけます。



株式会社 WEST HEADINGウエストヘディング)
担当: 松田聖子



Youth S, Youth M, S, M, L, XLの6種のサイズからお選びください。ユニセックスですが、メンズサイズに近く大きめなので、女性の方は1つ下のサイズをお勧めします。Youth Sは2~5歳児用、Youth Mは6歳から小柄な大人の女性までが着られる大きさです。









Tシャツがサウスセンターモールでも買えるようになりました! Now our T-shirts are available at Southcenter Mall!




There is a fantastic news! Now our T-shirts are available at Southcenter Mall which is the largest mall in Washington state!
Tokyo Japanese Life style (TJL) in the Southcenter Mall is letting us sell our T-shirts at their store. Yeah!

As you know they are selling our wristbands, too. Thank you so much for your support, TJL!!
If you don't have our T-shirt yet, rush to the store!
Oh, they have a lot of cute Japanese staff so don't forget to check them out!

*Our products are no longer available at Tokyo Japanese Life style (TJL).
Thank you TJL for your strong support!!


We sold more than $10,000!

Today, we have a great news for those who have been supporting our charity efforts.
Totalizing the combined sales as of the end of April, we found out that we have sold more than $10,000. Here's the numbers...

Wristbands & T-shirts sales : $11,500.50
Expenses (costs, shipping fee and Paypal service fee, etc.) :$3,192.40

Proceeds : $8,308.10
(As of April 30, 2011)

The result is much better than we anticipated. We cannot say thank enough to all of you who kindly purchased our products.
However, we have not done YET!! We will continue to do our best to donate as much money as we can, so please keep cheering us.


You Can Do It, Japan!の活動を支援してくださっている皆さんに、今日はうれしいお知らせがあります。4月末で集計したところ、なんと売上が1万ドルの大台にのったことがわかりました。




心あたたまる手紙 A heart warming letter



From Mayumi )

I received a mail order for wristbands from a woman lives in Pasadena, CA. She enclosed a heart warming letter. 

It goes..."What a nice wristband! I will recommend it to my friends, too. Since I live outside of Japan, I thought there was not much I could do to help victims, so I'd been feeling powerless.
"I admire your energy and determination. In the US, people already started to lose interests in Japan's tragedy, but Japan needs long term supports. I will wear your wristband for letting people know that the tragedy is not yet over..."

My eyes got misty when I read the letter.

One of the reasons we started to sell wristbands is to shout out "Don't forget Japan!" "Don't let your memories of the tragedy to fade", as she mentioned.

Thank you for your warm support. We will do our best to sell as many wristbands as possible!
(From Mayumi)


ジェイソン・ムラーズがリストバンドを買ってくれました!! Jason Mraz bought our wristband!!

先週の火曜日、とあるファッション誌の取材でロサンゼルスのカフェ『Gratitude Cafe』を訪れた時のこと。取材を終えてクルーたちとくつろいでいると、なんとあのジェイソン・ムラーズがふらりとやってきたのです

ラッキーなことに、私はそのとき、Energy Museという、セレブにファンが多いことで知られるジェエリーブランドの創始者で、ジェイソンと親しいティミーとヘザーと一緒。そんなわけで、ジェイソンのほうから、私たちのテーブルに近づいてきて挨拶してくれたのです!

私を含め、日本人クルーは突然の大物セレブ登場に大興奮! サインや2ショット写真をおねだりしたりと、テイクアウトのオーダーをピックアッ...プに来ただけの彼をひきとめまくり。私もちゃっかりサインをもらっちゃいました(To Mayumi ハートマーク I'm yours!って書いてくれました。きゃーっ!!)
このチャリティー活動を始めてから、皆さんの温かい励ましやご協力をいただき、うれしいこと続きでしたが、この出来事は当分、私のリストバンド売り生活のハイライトになりそうです。 (From マユミ)

I came across Jason Mraz at Gratitude Cafe in Los Angeles last Tuesday!
I was there with his friends, Timmy and Heather, founders of Energy Muse (fashion forward power stone jewelry brand which is very popular among celebrities), so I had a chance to talk with him.
He kindly gave me his autograph, so I tried to give him one of our wristbands as a gift.

Me : I am selling these wristbands to raise money for earthquake victims in Japan. If you don't mind, I would like to give you one as a small gift.

Jason : Thank you......but you gotta let me pay for it. I wanna donate!!

Then he kindly paid me, wore it and posed for a picture with me!
Can you believe it??? I couldn't and still can't! (From Mayumi)

Thank you, Sakura-Con!

I(Masami)enjoyed being Gozila!
We enjoyed Sakura-Con and we made about $1000 in three days. Thank you, Sakura- Con atendees! and yes, IBUKI magazine who is letting us use thier booth!



We participated in Sakura-con yesterday and today.  I (Masami) could not dress up, but my partner Midori showed up as Sazae-san! (For those of you who do not know Sazae-san, she is a very old-school cartoon character who existed since before WWII, but she is still popular.  Maybe like Betty from Flinstone in the US).
She had three curlers on top, with granma apron, skirt, and sandals!  I didn`t think she would do it, but she did it.

There are so many interesting people at Sakura-con.

彼女は日本をサポートするためにリストバンドを買ったくれただけでなく、持参したノート(これも小道具?)に、飾ってあったYou can do it, Japan!のTシャツを見ながらに日本語を書き写し、撮影のときにそれを掲げたのでした。
She bought a wristband to support Japan, but she also wrote "Ganbare Nihon (You can do it, Japan!)" in Japanese using her own notebook (was it part of her prop?) by copying what`s written on the T-shirt.  She agreed to let me take her picture.

The Sakura-con is a huge once a year event for those who participate in.  Maybe like Mardi Gras of anime lovers.  The event hall where we are is full of character goods, books, DVDs, etc.  I heard that people save all their money for this event, who are coming from all over the country.

We don`t stand out here selling charity T-shirts and wristbands, compared to all the other anime-related goods, but there are many people who want to spend the money they saved all year to buy our items.  I think this is great that they still want to support Japan.

I hope everybody`s prayer and good thought reach Japan!


Finally, tomorrow is Sakura-Con! We are so excited to be there!
We are going to sell our original wristbands and T-shirts at the Ibuki magazine booth in the Exhibitor Hall (4E). I (Masami) will bring my Godzila mask just in case.

Thank you again, Ibuki magazine for letting us use your booth!


Japan Earthquake One Month Memorial Walk/Run.

先週の日曜日にシアトル郊外で行われたチャリティーマラソンのイベント、Japan Earthquake One Month Memorial Walk/Run。いや~楽しかったです!

某超大手コンピューターソフト会社の(って言ったらわかっちゃうね)日本を支援しようと立ち上がったグループが主催したもので、参加費$20を払うともれなくYou can do it, Japan!のTシャツがついてくる、というもの。

当日は、シアトルにもやっと春が来た! というようなラブリーなお天気。ランナー/ウォーカーは総勢30人くらいだったかな。子供たちもたくさんいて、わいわいと和んだ雰囲気の中でスタートしました。

「知らない人にYou can do it! って何度もいわれたよ」


このTシャツを作った時は深く考えていなかったのだけど、You can do it! という言葉にはいろんな意味が含まれていて、いろんな解釈ができるから、見た人も声をかけやすいんだろうと思う。

実際、私は寝るとき以外毎日このTシャツを着ているけれど(ちゃんと洗ってますよ、笑)、ほぼ毎日声をかけられている。「あなたの家族は大丈夫だった?」としんみり聞かたこともあるが、たいていは「I love your T-shirt!」か、「You can do it!」といいながらサムズアップ。

話がそれてしまったけれど、このイベントは大成功! みんなで一緒に汗をかくスポーツイベントっていいな、楽しいな、とつくづく思いました。


On April 17th, we supported Japan Earthquake One Month Memorial Walk/Run, which was a charity walk/run event held in Woodinville (the suburb of Seattle).  We had so much fun!

The employees of the most famoust software company based in the Seattle area (you know which one) got together and organized this event to support Japan.   Participants paid $20 and got our You can do it, Japan! T-shirts.  All the proceeds are going to be donated to Red Cross and we offered them our T-shirts at cost.
It was a nice spring-like day.  There were about 30 runners/walkers, including lots of kids.  It was fun atmosphere.  From the starting point, they ran or walked for 100 min, regardless of their paces.  So some people strolled for 50 min, turned back and walked back to us.  Others were serious runners who ran for 100 min, almost to the Merymore Park!

Midori and I (Masami) set up a shop selling T-shirts and wristbands at the start/goal.  We cheered everyone who came back from the run/walk.  Some percipitants said, `People cheered us along the way seeing my T-shirt!`, and `People told us `You can do it!` many times!`  We were happy that many people commented on our T-shirts!

I did not think deeply about the meaning of `You can do it! when I made T-shirts (just thinking about it as a direct translation of Ganbare), but now realized that it can mean a lot.  I think it is easier for people to ask about the T-shirt when they see it.  In fact, I am wearing this T-shirt everyday except when I go to sleep (of course, I am washing it regularly!) and people talk to me all the time.  Sometimes, they ask me about my family, but most of the time, they just tell me `I love your T-shirt!` or `You can do it!` with thumbs-up.  I feel that they are giving me energy to keep going.

Anyway, the event was successful!  I thought sporting event with everyone participating is so much fun.  Yuko-san, let`s do another event together!


リストバンドがTokyo Japanese Lifestyleで購入できます!(Now you can purchase wristbands at Tokyo Japanese Lifestyle!)

嬉しいお知らせです! 私たちのリストバンドがシアトル近郊のモールでも買えるようになりました!
Southcenter MallNorthgate Mallなど、州内に4店舗あるTokyo Japanese Lifestyleさんが私たちのプロジェクトに賛同して置いてくれることになったのです。きゃー!(←自分たちが驚いている)。

Southcenter Mall店のユリさん(右)とアミさん(左)
 Southcenter Mall店ではさっそく招き猫を使ってかわいくディスプレイしてくれていました。
とっても嬉しいです、ありがとう Tokyo Japanese Lifestyleさん

Now you can buy wristbands at shopping malls across the metropolitan Seattle area. Tokyo Japanese Lifetyle, which owns 4 stores in Washington State, such as Southcenter Mall and Northgate Mall, joined our efforts to help Japan.  Wow, this is great!

The staffs at Southcenter Mall created this cute display (above picture) with a Good-luck cat.  Thank you very much!!


22~24日アニメの祭典サクラコンに出店します!We are going to be at SAKURA-Con 4/22~24

4/22(金)~24(日)シアトルで行われるアニメの祭典『サクラコン』でYou can do it, Japan! のTシャツとリストバンドが販売できることになりました!

出店するIBUKI magazineさんが私たちの活動に賛同してブースの一角を提供してくれることになったのです。きゃ~!(←興奮)。

IBUKI magazineさん、ありがとう! 少しでも多くの寄付金を集めるためにがんばってきまーす。
IBUKI magazine http://ibukimagazine.com/
ところで、会場ではやっぱりコスプレするべきかな? しない方が目立つっていう意見もありますが(笑)

We are proud to attend Sakura-Con 2011!
Ibuki magazine sympathizes with our efforts and is letting us use their booth. Wow! Thank you, Ibuki magazine!

It’s April 22-24 at Seattle Convention Center. Come see us there!
Should we wear some kind of anime costumes? 


子供達によるチャリティーコンサート (Charity Concert by Children)


発想から2週間という短期間でこんな大きなイベントを開催されたそうで、その行動力と熱意に脱帽です。さまざまなパフォーマンスが行われましたが、中でも必見は『アートライズダンス教室』の先生と生徒によるダンス。じつは、You can do it, Japan!のTシャツを着て踊ってくれることになっていたのです。


You can do it, Japan!のTシャツを着て力強く踊っている英里先生と娘さんを見て胸が熱くなり、最後は最後でこのコンサートを主催した小目谷しず子先生のヴァイオリン演奏にあわせて手を振る子供たちを見て目頭が熱くなり・・・・・・。


We went to the Charity Concert `Kizuna` (=connection) held at Music Works Northwest in Bellevue, WA on April 10th.  We set up a booth by the entrance thanks to the organizer.  The first picture above is one of the kids playing violin.  The second picture shows calligraphy done by children which say “You can do it, Japan!”, “Hope”, “Prayer”, etc.

The organizer was Bellevue Children Music School and the participants played piano and violin, sang songs, danced ballet and hip-hop, and displayed martial arts.  The donation to the concert started at $5 and all the proceeds will be donated.  We were amazed at the fact that it only took 2 weeks from brain-storming to the actual concert!

One of the highlights of the concert was a dance performance by a teacher and student team from ArtRize Dance School.  In fact, they danced wearing our “You can do it, Japan!” T-shirts (in the 3rd picture above).

Ms. Eri who saw our T-shirts at Megumi Preschool and sent Masami an e-mail asking about wearing them for the concert!  Thanks to her, we were able to sell T-shirts and wristbands at the concert.  We were moved seeing their great performance.  We almost cried seeing all the children waving their hands accompanied by Ms. Shizuko Komeya`s violin at the end of the concert.

The sales total from the concert was $175.  We really felt everyone`s energy and were glad that we were able to participate. (Masami)


Japan Earthquake One Month Memorial Walk/Run on April 17th

みんなでYou can do it, Japan! のシャツを着て走ろう!歩こう! そんなワクワクするチャリティーイベントがウッディンビルで開催されることになりました。

たくさんの人がこのTシャツを着て走ってくれるのか、と思うだけで胸が熱くなります!涙腺がゆるみます! 興味がある方はぜひふるってご参加くださいね。

A charity event called "Japan Earthquake One Month Memorial Walk/Run" will be held in Woodinville, WA on April 17th, Sunday from 1 pm.  The organizer of the event loves our T-shirts so much that she decided to use them in the event.  If you pay a $20 entry fee, you will get our T-shirt.  All the proceeds from the event will be donated to American Red Cross for the victims in Japan.  We are looking forward to seeing lots of people wearing our T-shirts and running for the good cause!  Please see the link below for the details.
Location: Sammamish River Trail, starting from Redhook
Time: ‎1:00PM Sunday, April 17th


リストバンドがPaypalで購入できるようになりました!You can buy wristbands by Paypal now!


米国内にお住まいの方はこちらから https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=K4PHG386UVWBC

米国外にお住まいの方はこちらから https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=9FTBNUENVB9RU

You can order wristbands by paypal!  For your convenience, now we accept paypal payment.
You don't need to write a check and mail it to us anymore. It's fast & easy!!

For domestic (USA) shipping, click below.  The shipping charge is free.

For international shipping, click below.  International flat shipping charge is $2 (regardless of the quantity and country).

PayPal is the safer, easier way to pay online without revealing your credit card number.


You Can Do It, Japan! についてのご説明(About You Can Do It, Japan!--English version is at the bottom)


311日に日本で起こった前代未聞の大震災。これが本当に今、祖国日本で起こっていることなの? とアメリカにいる私たちは目を、耳を、伺いました。何かしなければ! だけど私たちに何ができるだろう? そう考えるうちに、チャリティリストバンドやTシャツを作って販売し、寄付金を集めることを思い立ちました。

シリコン製の赤いリストバンドには“You can do it, Japan!”という文字と日の丸を。そのコピーに加え、Tシャツには「がんばれ日本、がんばれ東北」という日本語も入れました。


日本には長期のサポートが必要です。リストバンドやTシャツの販売によってお金を集めるのも大切ですが、日本に対するみんなの関心が薄れてしまわないためにも、みんなにTシャツやリストバンドを身に着けてほしい。そして日本には寄付金と共に「私たちがいるよ! 応援してるよ!」という熱い想いも一緒に届けたいと思っています。




You can do it , Japan! Project  

E-mail: youcandoitjapan@hotmail.com

Let’s support Japan!
Let’s show the victims our thoughts are with them!

Charity wristband : $5 each
Charity T-shirts : $20 each
(Youth S, Youth M, S, M, L, XL)

100% of the proceeds from the wristbands and T-shirts go to Japanese Red Cross.  ($4.6 of the $5 wristbands and $15 of the $20 T-shirts go to Charity!)

As you already know, about 28,000 people are dead or missing in Japan because of a massive earthquake and tsunami which hit on March 11th.  As Japanese natives, we felt we should do something for the victims and decided to raise money selling our original wristbands and T-shirts with our friends.

Please purchase them and show your support for Japan!  Each individual contribution may be small but together it can be huge!!

You can do it, Japan! Project
Organizer: Masami Suzuki
If you have any questions, please e-mail us to: youcandoitjapan@hotmail.com